Are you a collector?

This scrap of coral picked up on a beach was wrapped in copper wire to be worn as a pendant.
Do you cherish small objects with large sentimental value?
Is there a dish on your dresser filled with pretty stones from your last vacation?
Do you carry a lucky coin or marble in your pocket?
Do you search for arrowheads, beach glass or unusual shells?
Do you save movie tickets, wine corks or tokens?
I can turn your small treasure into a beautiful pendant for you to wear or to gift.
Wire is a versatile material.
Strong and malleable it can be twisted and woven into a variety of configurations to hold your cherished item.
The FamiLee Jewels use a variety of wires including sterling silver, gold filled, copper, and Vintaj brass.
An old watch case is repurposed with wire wrapping to hold a tiny treasure.
Sea glass can be wrapped or drilled to make beautiful jewelry.
A black kyanite fan was crowned with sterling silver and adorned with a sterling silver charm to be worn as a pendant.
This 500 million year old ammonite fossil was wrapped in vintaj brass wire to be worn as a pendant.
What can I wire wrap for you?
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