Sunday, December 2, 2007

My Helping Bear

Bear, known affectionately in our house as Bubba-because he is one, was helping me yesterday as I sorted jewelry and packed it away for our upcoming show.
Hiding in small places is one of his few cat like behaviors.
This is my jewelry case and is supposed to be full of 14 of those trays you see stacked next to it, not full of cat. He thinks he is being stealthy, while he looks for treasure.
You see Bubba is a cat "burglar". He loves sparkly things, especially if they jingle. He steals jewelry, keys, and assorted small toys. Shiny paper and cellophane are not safe from him. The sound of a bead dropping to the hard wood floor will bring him running from 3 rooms away. Don't even think of leaving a twist tie on the counter.
He is currently lying under the Christmas tree trying to figure out how to take an ornament without our noticing. This is not likely. The tree is fastened to the living room wall because one of his previous escapades resulted in a Christmas tree crashing to the floor in the wee, small hours of the morning. Grace is not one of his attributes.
I told you he was a Bubba.


  1. A Bubba he may be, but he's still our adorable, lovable, squashable Bear. And now he has a Bella to play with. :o)

    Love you,
